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K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 29, 2008 06:07PM
K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Should fix all the crashs of beta1
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/18/2008 06:44PM by Dorian.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 29, 2008 07:21PM
Hi Dorian, great work!
I like changes in Translation menus and engines.
But, load home page at startup not work and i note that in this beta2 only user agent string of Firefox and Seamonkey are included (MSIE and Opera are lost), is this a defenitive changed or we forget include it?
K-Meleon in Spanish
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2008 07:22PM by desga2.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 29, 2008 09:25PM
load home page at startup not work
Open about:config and type "home" into the filter bar. Copy the value of pref browser.startup.homepage, create a new string pref kmeleon.general.homePage and paste the value from the clipboard.
only user agent string of Firefox and Seamonkey are included (MSIE and Opera are lost), is this a defenitive changed or we forget include it?
I'd like to get rid of these User Agent strings. They are mostly useless. Why would you make km identify itself as Opera? Opera is just another niche browser with less market share than Firefox. Making km identify itself as MSIE is troublesome. MSIE is not script compatible with Gecko. Scripts designed for MSIE don't work in Gecko. Inexperienced users don't understand that and are frequently complaining that web sites don't work when they're using the MSIE UA. I don't like to explain for the fifth hundred time that making km identify itself as MSIE won't turn km into MSIE... :p
When you want to use the MSIE or Opera UA, it takes you a minute
adding it. When I have to investigate a bug report, it is taking me an hour in the end. When you know a good reason why I should spend that time, then let's talk about it.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 29, 2008 09:38PM
The speed seems to be improved. I don't have a stop watch, it just seems to be faster in bringing up webpages.
As desga2 brought out the startup does not work. Doesn't even bring up the readme.html.
Proxy - you have to set it up under Edit-Preferences (and Save it), then you have to go over to Tools-Proxy- and check it off.
Edit-Preferences-Privacy no longer allows you to see the Cookies accumulated. The button to do so is missing. You can still block cookies by going to Privacy-Permissions-Cookies, but as far as I can see, there is no way to bring up the cookies and see them as in the previous 1.5b.
You still have to go into about:config to set the favicons values to true, if you want them to display in IconCache.dat
Missing also is the button to bring up the passwords under Edit-Preferences-Privacy-General
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 29, 2008 09:51PM
kko quiet it was just a question out of curiosity before I ask someone else.
I know how to add it. Only i like know if this was a feature or bug, and it's feature!
Total I do not use these user agent string, is more i don't use K-Meleon.
K-Meleon in Spanish
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 29, 2008 10:33PM
Regretably, kko, some websites do not find the user agent strings as useless as you. There are still some that see K-M or Seamonkey for that matter and give you a message that you need to upgrade your browser. They won't even let you on the site. We've had this discussion before. As you point out, it is a very easy thing to add into about:config, but the point is, it is a lot easier to choose it from a list.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 30, 2008 08:59AM
To bypass the homepage bug, just copy/paste this macro in a text editor and save it as a new macro named Homepage.kmm (in macro folder):
# K-Meleon Macros (
# ---------- Correct a bug of K-Meleon 1.5b2 -----------------------------------
# Dependencies : none
# Resources : -
# Preferences : "kmeleon.general.homePage", "browser.startup.homepage"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Change also the default value which isn't very exciting, to what you want
Mozilla/5.0 (x11; U; Linux x86_64; fr-FR; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Ubuntu/12.04 K-Meleon/76.0
Mail : alain [dot] aupeix [at] wanadoo [dot] fr
Ubuntu 12.04 - Gramps 3.4.9 - Harbour 3.2.0 - Hwgui 2.20-3 - K-Meleon 76.0 rc
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2008 09:00AM by JujuLand.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 30, 2008 01:19PM
Proxy - you have to set it up under Edit-Preferences (and Save it), then you have to go over to Tools-Proxy- and check it off.
You can select it directly in Preferences after having saved.
Edit-Preferences-Privacy no longer allows you to see the Cookies accumulated. The button to do so is missing. You can still block cookies by going to Privacy-Permissions-Cookies, but as far as I can see, there is no way to bring up the cookies and see them as in the previous 1.5b.
There is still Tools > Privacy > View Data. But the buttons in Preferences should be there. That's a bug, I had overseen that.
You still have to go into about:config to set the favicons values to true, if you want them to display in IconCache.dat
Display in IconCache.dat? Can you explain that a bit more detailed - I have no problems with favicons.
JujuLandChange also the default value which isn't very exciting, to what you want

I would not do that. Usually we have a good reason for setting default values.

Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 30, 2008 02:17PM
Thanks, kko, for showing me the alternative to viewing the Cookies.
As to favicons - at least on my system in order to display some favicons so that they will be stored in IconCache.dat, you have to go into about:config type favicon into the Filter so that it brings up the values:
and default them to true. I have found that on some sites favicons will not appear in the url bar or on tab buttons when they are are defaulted to false. In turn, when they do not appear in those locations, the favicon is not stored in IconCache.dat so that it can be displayed next to bookmarks,
I used the .7z file to install this version of K-M 1.5. The .exe installation file may be different, but in the .7z installation file the buttons are lacking for Cookies and Passwords under Edit-Preferences-Privacy. Now that I know where to find them, putting the buttons back where they were previously is a helpful redundancy though not strictly necessary - something like user agent strings,
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 30, 2008 05:57PM
I have a question about the tab bar and seeing the tab buttons. I cannot find a way to see the tabs when I have several tabs open and also see the buttons when I have no tabs open.
There are two preferences involved here. One is "Hide the tab bar when there is only one tab." The second is "Attach Tab/Window Buttons to the tab bar.
When "Hide" is checked and "Attach" is un-checked and I have several tabs open I cannot see the tabs because there is no tab bar. There is a drop down list at the far right end of the button bar. The tab buttons are beside the throbber.
When "Hide" is checked and "Attach" is also checked then I have tabs and buttons only when I have more than one tab open. The tab buttons are a part of the tab bar.
This is exactly what the preferences say, but what I would like is for the tab buttons to remain next to the throbber. The first tab that you wish to open must be done from File - New Tab but I would prefer to have a button to click.
I can always have the tab bar, but I prefer not to when I am viewing only one document. I have more screen space for the document that way, and when using many tabs I have more room for them on the bar.
The first alpha code worked this way and I liked it.
My congratulations to all the developers. This is a great browser.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 30, 2008 09:36PM
In almost all previous incarnations of K-M when one clicked on an underline text in Google with the Scroll button on the mouse, this would start a new tab (or layer) and then the focus would be directed to new tab in the foreground. 1.5Beta2 brings it up in the background. Why the change? Can you change this behaviour and how would you do so?
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 31, 2008 10:39AM
Hola estoy probando esta beta y de momento va de lujo. Solo tengo un problemilla (supongo que sera culpa de mi no english jeje) y es que no encuentro la opcion de capa unica como tenian las versiones anteriores. Por ejemplo el boton de abrir nueva ventana antes me abria otra capa en la misma ventana y ahora me abre directamente otra ventana. De todas maneras enhorabuena por el curro que os esta quedando muy bien. Saludos.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 31, 2008 06:49PM
You are talking to the choir. Not having very many user agent strings seems to be a preference hardcoded into the dna of this round of developers. Perhaps there is a macro solution to the user agent string problem that can be implemented somehow.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2008 06:50PM by ndebord.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: May 31, 2008 07:45PM
Thank you, ndebord, I learned to live with it the last time kko and I disagreed. However, I am still puzzled why the change in behaviour when you click the scroll button that it brings up a tab in the background?
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 01, 2008 12:08PM
Found the cause of the Scroll button behavior. Under Tools-Mouse Accelerators, change the value to Default rather than Firefox 2.0 and the program will behave as it used to - that is, as it was originally defaulted - Middle click or Scroll button will bring up a tab in the foreground whan an url is clicked on.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 01, 2008 12:56PM
I dumped FireFox and Opera...
Be well!

Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 01, 2008 01:11PM
As I have a trackpad, never did get to play with middle button/scroll button stuff!
Glad you found an answer.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 01, 2008 04:46PM
Thank you, ndeborg. Ironically, it is found under Tools- Mouse Accelerators, which has three choices besides Default - Firefox 2.0 Seamonkey 1.1 and Opera 9.2. One more option than User Agent!! As I said, ironic.
The browser's performance is extremely quick. Have no idea how Dorian did this, but it paints the screen extremely quickly. At the same time, the memory footprint is tiny comparatively even with a number of tabs open.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 12:05AM
@ salta:
Creo que lo que estas buscando esta en Edit -> Preferences (F2) -> Browsing -> Tabbed Browsing.
K-Meleon in Spanish
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 11:01AM
Pues no lo veo Desga, he mirado por todas las opciones y no se si porque no domino el ingles o por què, pero no lo veo. Gracias de todas maneras por el interes.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 05:00PM
As to favicons - at least on my system in order to display some favicons so that they will be stored in IconCache.dat, you have to go into about:config type favicon into the Filter so that it brings up the values:
and default them to true. I have found that on some sites favicons will not appear in the url bar or on tab buttons when they are are defaulted to false. In turn, when they do not appear in those locations, the favicon is not stored in IconCache.dat so that it can be displayed next to bookmarks
That are actually three different things:
1) When is set to false, no favicons may be shown for certain websites, indeed. I agree that it should default to true. I'll correct that.
2) kmeleon.favicons.titleBar controls whether the favicon for the currently active document is shown in the title bar of the browser window. This is a new feature in 1.5 and is disabled by default. You can enable it in the GUI Appearance settings in Preferences.
3) Icons can be cached on disk (in IconCache.dat). Cached icons can be displayed also when you're offline.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 05:00PM
When "Hide" is checked and "Attach" is un-checked and I have several tabs open I cannot see the tabs because there is no tab bar. There is a drop down list at the far right end of the button bar. The tab buttons are beside the throbber.
Did you know that you can drag toolbars around? They just have to be unlocked...
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 05:01PM
In almost all previous incarnations of K-M when one clicked on an underline text in Google with the Scroll button on the mouse, this would start a new tab (or layer) and then the focus would be directed to new tab in the foreground. 1.5Beta2 brings it up in the background. Why the change?
No such change. Most likely you changed it yourself by mixing it up with user agents...
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Posted by:
George Hall
Date: June 02, 2008 05:29PM
The reason for the HomePage bug is there is a bug in kmprefs in K-Meleon 1.5.0b2 and
there is a bug in i10n.js.
The bug can be fixed by replacing the kmprefs of K-Meleon 1.5.0b2 with the kmprefs from K-Meleon 1.5.0beta.
i10n.js can be fixed by adding pref("kmeleon.general.ho"resource:///readme.html"); to it
Under K-Meleon 1.5.0beta i10n.js has these values
// Locale default pref for k-meleon
pref("general.useragent.locale", "en-US");
pref("general.useragent.contentlocale", "US");
pref("kmeleon.general.homePage", "resource:///readme.html");
Under K-Meleon 1.5.0b2 i10n.js has these values
// Locale default pref for k-meleon
pref("general.useragent.locale", "en-US");
pref("general.useragent.contentlocale", "US");
so simply adding pref("kmeleon.general.homePage", "resource:///readme.html");
will display the file readme.html instead of a blank page.
Unless you fix kmprefs the file readme.html is the only page that will be displayed every time as the homepage even after change the homepage to something else.
I found out the kmprefs problem by changing it to the file kmprefs.jar in K-Meleon 1.5.0beta and K-Meleon 1.5.0b2.
Then I replaced the K-Meleon 1.5.0b2 kmprefs.jar with the one from K-Meleon 1.5.0beta.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Posted by:
Adam Lau
Date: June 02, 2008 05:43PM
Menu bar as a toolbar does not not stay in position between program starts. Always seems to position itself before the URL bar. Fix?
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 06:03PM
Did you know that you can drag toolbars around? They just have to be unlocked...
I guess I don't know how to do that. I have "Enable customizable toolbars" checked but I cannot find any part of the tab buttons area to grab in order to move it. Must be something else that I am supposed to do that I have not done.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 06:50PM
kko, you do an outstanding job of working on K-M for us. You deserve a lot of credit, and I do not wish to make you angry. But, in this case, you've overlooked a few things - little things to be sure - but they're the little irritations that you don't want to perpetuate when this beta matures.
Generally, as I go through a beta, I change little or nothing from the way it installs itself. As I work my way through each component = be they proxies, favicons, middle click, or whatever, I keep a chart of where I started and what I found. Again, look for yourself - under Tools-Mouse Accelerators there are three choices other than Default. It was easy enough for me to find out how this was set originally. All I had to do was unzip the original .7z file. Cranked up the new 1.5b2 and it was defaulted to Firefox 2.0. Apparently, it was left in that state when it was zipped.
As to the need for user agents. In the past I have given you pages that show when you use the default for K-M or Seamonkey certain pages won't show. Here's an example: Since, today, Firefox is ubiquitous, setting the browser to it will get you into a number of sites. Go to that site and try it with the Firefox string and you will get in. Same goes for an IE string. Sure IE won't fool WindowsUpdate, but it will get you into a lot of pages without getting the message that you need to update your browser.
Under the Mouse Accelerators you have three choices other than default. In essence, as far as the middle button goes, default brings up pages into the foreground and the other three choices bring up pages in the background. So, why do you need three choices that do the same thing? Since you are using Ockham's razor to get rid of Agent strings why not use it on the Mouse Accelerators? Call one foreground and one background?
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 07:25PM
George Hall
The reason for the HomePage bug is there is a bug in kmprefs in K-Meleon 1.5.0b2 and
there is a bug in i10n.js.
The bug can be fixed by replacing the kmprefs of K-Meleon 1.5.0b2 with the kmprefs from K-Meleon 1.5.0beta.
i10n.js can be fixed by adding pref("kmeleon.general.ho"resource:///readme.html"); to it
Nope. The K-Meleon home page preference was changed in 1.5b2 in order to fix
Bug 1008. It's just that ID_NAV_HOME is still using the old pref which doesn't exist by default anymore. That's why I've recommended to create it manually and synchronize it with the new pref as a workaround.
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 07:25PM
Adam Lau
Menu bar as a toolbar does not not stay in position between program starts. Always seems to position itself before the URL bar. Fix?
Have you tried locking the toolbars before closing?
Re: K-Meleon 1.5Beta2
Date: June 02, 2008 07:26PM
Did you know that you can drag toolbars around? They just have to be unlocked...
I guess I don't know how to do that. I have "Enable customizable toolbars" checked but I cannot find any part of the tab buttons area to grab in order to move it. Must be something else that I am supposed to do that I have not done.
Just open View > Toolbars and uncheck "Lock Toolbars".