
Use this page to experiment with the wiki. (Just don't delete this text; otherwise people won't know the purpose of the page.)

   injectCSS( CSS );                Since version 1.0

Injects a Cascading Style Sheet into the current page.
This method is most beneficially used in conjunction with the readfile() method. Note that this method is intended for an on demand application of CSS code only, do not use it in an event based manner. Make use of the userContent.css file to permanently apply your own styles to the documents you view.

Parameter Required Type Value Meaning
CSS YES STRING CSS code The Cascading Style Sheet code to be injected.

   injectJS( JS );                  Since version 1.0

Injects a JavaScript into the current page.

   injectJS( JS [, location ]);      Since version 1.5

Injects JavaScript code into the current document, into the current frame or into all tabs of the current window.

This method is most beneficially used in conjunction with the readfile() method. Note that this method is intended for an on demand application of JavaScript code, avoid its usage in an event based manner to keep K-Meleon stable and responsive.

Parameter Required Type Value Meaning
JS YES STRING JS code The JavaScript code to be injected.
location NO(1) PREDEFINED alltabs(2) Address all tabs in the current window.
frame Address the current frame only.

(1) When omitted, the specified code is injected into the current document which may be a frame set. So, subframes have to be handled by the injected code itself. Same when injecting into all tabs.
(2) For version 1.5


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