
KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > KmmTraining

Submitted by: JamesD


Training provides some description and demonstration of some Macro Language statements. It is interactive, providing on screen information while the actual code for Training.kmm provides a working sample library. Training has, and will have more, extra chapters. These will be files with names in the the form of Training1[2][3]...[X].kmm. Training1.kmm is available now.

These macros require K-Meleon version 1.1.x or later.

Training includes units on promptforfolder, gensub, and $ARG.
Training1 includes units on prompt, confirm, and alert.

Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file(s):


#  K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage)
# ---------- Training.kmm
# ---------- K-Meleon Macro Language Training/Example ---------------
# Dependencies        : main.kmm,  K-Meleon ver 1.1 or later
# Resources           : -
# Preferences         : -
# Version             : - 0.7   2008-12-24
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
####  PUBLIC MACROS ----------

$_Training_ArgVal = $ARG ;
$_Training_ArgVal == "menu" ? &_Training_ArgCodeA : 0 ; 
$_Training_ArgVal == "F8" ? &_Training_ArgCodeB : 0 ;

####  PRIVATE MACROS ---------

$_Training_Text01 = "This 'Training' macro is provided to help users understand some statements";
$_Training_Text02 = "in the Macro Language which is a part of K-Meleon.";
$_Training_Text03 = "This macro file controls additional macro files designated as 'Training1[2][3]'.";
$_Training_Text04 = "Not all files are available yet.  They will be added as they become available. ";
alert($_Training_Text01."\n".$_Training_Text02."\n\n".$_Training_Text03."\n".$_Training_Text04, "Overview of 'Training'", "INFO");
$_Training_Text01 = "Each macro statement or concept will be reachable from the Training popup menu. ";
$_Training_Text02 = "Individual units do not follow each other.  You must choose an item from the menu. ";
$_Training_Text03 = "The additional macro files may each be made inactive via the Macro Extension  ";
$_Training_Text04 = "in preferences.  You can do this for units on which you no longer need help. ";
alert($_Training_Text01."\n".$_Training_Text02."\n\n".$_Training_Text03."\n".$_Training_Text04, "Overview of 'Training' (2)", "INFO");
$_Training_User_Ver=getpref(STRING, $_Training_Version_Pref);
##  $_Training_User_Ver=substr(getpref(STRING, $Training_Version_Pref), 0, 3);
##  double conditional  ==> _KMVersion=="1.5"?$kSessions==true?&_Sessions_BuildMenu_15:0:0;
$_Training_Text01 = "The Macro Language has evolved through each new version of K-Meleon.";
$_Training_Text02 = "Some current language statements may not be not available to the version" ;
$_Training_Text03 = "of the browser that you are using.  Training will tell you if the version" ;
$_Training_Text04 = "you are using does not support a particular statement.";
$_Training_Text05 = "You are current using K-Meleon ";
alert($_Training_Text01."\n".$_Training_Text02."n\n".$_Training_Text03."\n".$_Training_Text04."\n\n".$_Training_Text05.$_Training_User_Ver, "Overview of 'Training' (3)", "INFO");

$_Training_Text01 = "The promptforfolder statement is used to open a dialog with the user. \n" ;
$_Training_Text02 = "The user can select a folder from the list in the dialog.  An initial \n" ;
$_Training_Text03 = "folder may be provided.  A new folder may be created by the user.\n\n " ;
$_Training_Text04 = "  $PATH = promptforfolder( CAPTION [, INITIAL_FOLDER] ); ";
alert($_Training_Text01.$_Training_Text02.$_Training_Text03.$_Training_Text04, "promptforfolder", "INFO");
alert("Allow user to select folder. \n\n No initial folder \n No programed requirement", "Using promptforfolder") ;
$_Training_SubFolder=promptforfolder("Select a folder for use") ;
$_Training_Text01 = "$SubFolder=promptforfolder('Select a folder for use');" ;
#alert($_Training_SubFolder, "Return from promptforfolder dialog", "EXCLAIM");
$_Training_Text02 = "Some items in the default list are not actual folders. \n";
$_Training_Text03 = "'My Computer' and 'My Network Places' do not provide a value to '$SubFolder'. \n\n";
$_Training_Text04 = "Selecting 'Cancel' does not provide a value to '$SubFolder'." ;
$_Training_SubFolder == "" ? alert($_Training_Text02.$_Training_Text03.$_Training_Text04,"No value returned", "EXCLAIM") :0;
$_Training_SubFolder != "" ? alert($_Training_SubFolder. "\n\n".$_Training_Text01, "Folder user selected", "INFO") :0 ;
alert("Allow user to select folder. \n\n Set initial folder to originating folder \n No programed requirement", "Using promptforfolder") ;
$_Training_SubFolder=promptforfolder("Select a folder for use", $_Training_Path);
$_Training_Text01 = "$SubFolder=promptforfolder('Select a folder for use', $_Training_Path);";
alert( $_Training_SubFolder. "\n\n".$_Training_Text01, "Folder user selected", "INFO") ;
macros(_Training_FolderCode2) ;

alert("Allow user to select folder. \n\n Set initial folder to Favorites \n Require Favorites or subfolder", "Using promptforfolder") ;
####   look three places for the favorites directory
$_Training_FavFolder==""?$_Training_FavFolder=readreg("HKCU","Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders\\Favorites"):0;
$_Training_FavFolder==""?$_Training_FavFolder=readreg("HKLM","Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders\\Favorites"):0;
####   $_Training_FavFolder should have the path for the favorites folder   c:\something\favorites
####   call _Training_RnameTrue_loop until $_Training_SubFolder is no longer a "?"
$_Training_SubFolder="?";   while($_Training_SubFolder=="?") &_Training_NameTrue_loop;
$_Training_Text01 = "Review the code in macros '_Training_FolderCode2' and '_Training_NameTrue_loop'. ";
$_Training_Text02 = "Your action was either 'cancel' or 'OK'. \n";
$_Training_Text03 = "The program is designed to default to 'Favorites' in this case. \n\n";
$_Training_SubFolder == "" ? alert($_Training_Text02.$_Training_Text03.$_Training_Text01."\n\n".$_Training_FavFolder, "The selected folder", "INFO") : alert($_Training_FavFolder."\\".$_Training_SubFolder."\n\n".$_Training_Text01, "The selected folder", "INFO") ;

$_Training_SubFolder=promptforfolder (_("Specify where to add the new shortcut. Select your Favorites folder or one of its subfolders:"),$_Training_FavFolder);
$_Training_SubFolder=$_Training_SubFolder=="" ? "" : index($_Training_SubFolder,$_Training_FavFolder) == 0 ? substr($_Training_SubFolder,length($_Training_FavFolder)+1) : "?";

$_Training_Text01 = "$SUB = gensub( r, s, h, t );" ;
$_Training_Text02 = "Searches the target string t for matches of the string r." ;
$_Training_Text03 = "If h is a string beginning with 'g' or 'G', then all matches" ; 
$_Training_Text04 = "of r are replaced with s. Otherwise, h is a number indicating" ; 
$_Training_Text05 = "which match of r to replace. The modified string is returned." ;
alert($_Training_Text01."\n".$_Training_Text02."\n".$_Training_Text03."\n".$_Training_Text04."\n".$_Training_Text05, "gensub statement", "INFO");
$_Training_Target = "copper is a color for corporate" ;
alert($_Training_Target, "The target string (t)") ;
$_Training_Match = "co" ;
$_Training_Replace = "To" ;
alert("The match string (r) is  '".$_Training_Match."'\n\n The replacement string (s) is  '".$_Training_Replace."'", "The match and replace strings", "INFO");  
$_Training_GOut = gensub($_Training_Match, $_Training_Replace, "G" ,$_Training_Target) ;
$_Training_Text01 = "$_Training_GOut = gensub($_Training_Match, $_Training_Replace, 'G' ,$_Training_Target) ;" ;
alert($_Training_GOut."\n\n".$_Training_Text01, "Global replacement", "INFO") ;
$_Training_GOut = gensub($_Training_Match, $_Training_Replace, "1" ,$_Training_Target) ;
$_Training_Text02 = "$_Training_GOut = gensub($_Training_Match, $_Training_Replace, '1' ,$_Training_Target) ;" ;
alert($_Training_GOut."\n\n".$_Training_Text02, "First replacement only", "INFO") ;

$_Training_Text01 = "setmenu($_Training_Popm,'macro','$Arg','Training_ArgCode(menu)');" ;
alert("A choice was made within the Training_ArgCode macro \n based on the argument passed from the setmenu statement. \n\n The argument was 'menu'.\n\n" . $_Training_Text01 , " $ARG - argument in setmenu statement", "INFO"); 
alert("After you click OK for this message, \n\n please press the CTRL + SHIFT + F8 together.", "To test another method", "INFO");

$_Training_Text01 = "setaccel( 'CTRL SHIFT VK_F8' ,'macros(Training_ArgCode(F8))');"; 
alert("A choice was made within the Training_ArgCode macro \n based on the argument passed from the setaccel statement. \n\n The argument was 'F8'.\n\n" . $_Training_Text01, " $ARG - argument in setaccel statement", "INFO"); 
alert("Training actually finished running before you pressed CTRL + SHIFT + F8. \n Your keypresses restarted Training_ArgCode and and passed 'F8' \n as an argument.", "$ARG examples finished", "INFO"); 

$_Training_Num = 1 ;
# add another option to Help menu
$Training_Popm = "Training" ;
macros(Training_Chapters) ;
macros(_Training_accelerators) ;

setaccel( "CTRL SHIFT VK_F8" ,"macros(Training_ArgCode(F8))"); 

while($_Training_Num < 20) &_Training_Chapters_Loop ;
$_Training_File = "Training". $_Training_Num . ".kmm" ;
$_Training_ChapExist = readfile($_Training_Path."\\".$_Training_File );
$_Training_File_Menu = "Training". $_Training_Num . "_BuildMenu" ;
$_Training_ChapExist != "" ? macros($_Training_File_Menu) : 0 ;
$_Training_Num = $_Training_Num + 1 ;

## Training.kmm will be located in one of two possible locations
## If readfile finds nothing at MacroFolder then the location is UserMacroFolder


################  END OF TRAINING.KMM  ###############################


#  K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage)
# ---------- Training1.kmm
# ---------- K-Meleon Macro Language Training/Example ---------------
# ---------- CHAPTER 1
# Dependencies        : main.kmm, Training.kmm, K-Meleon ver 1.1 or later
# Resources           : -
# Preferences         : -
# Version             : - 0.3   2008-12-23
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#--    $VALUE = prompt( MESSAGE [, TITLE [, DEFAULT]] );
#$_Training1_Result_Bounds = 0 ;
$_Training1_Result = prompt("Select a whole number from zero to ten", "prompt example", 5);
$_Training1_Result != "" ? alert($_Training1_Result, "Your answer from prompt") : alert("Cancel", "Your answer from prompt");
macros(_Training1_PromptValid) ;
$_Training1_Text01 = "The prompt statement is used to send a message to the user. \n" ;
$_Training1_Text02 = "The user must interact with the message display box in order \n" ;
$_Training1_Text03 = "for the macro to continue.  \n The user's interaction is returned " ;
$_Training1_Text04 = "to the macro where the results \n can be acted upon. \n\n ";
$_Training1_Text05 = "$VALUE = prompt( MESSAGE [, TITLE [, DEFAULT]] ); \n\n ";
$_Training1_Text06 = "The prompt requesting a number looks like this: \n\n Result = prompt('Select a whole number between zero and ten', 'prompt example', 5);";
alert($_Training1_Text01.$_Training1_Text02.$_Training1_Text03.$_Training1_Text04.$_Training1_Text05.$_Training1_Text06,"prompt example", "INFO");

$_Training1_User_Ver=substr(getpref(STRING, $_Training1_Version_Pref), 0, 3);
# choice 1.5 series = later version while other = early version
$_Training1_User_Ver == "1.5" ? &_Training1_PromptValidL : &_Training1_PromptValidE ;

$_Training1_RCnt = 0 ;
$_Training1_RBI = 10 < $_Training1_Result ? 1 : 0;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = 0 > $_Training1_Result ? 1 : 0;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
## / operator produces an integer result
$_Training1_DecChek = $_Training1_Result / 1 ;
$_Training1_CrChek = $_Training1_Result == $_Training1_DecChek ? 0 : 1;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_CrChek ;
$_Training1_Text01 = "\n\n The acceptable values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10." ;
$_Training1_RCnt >= 1 ? alert($_Training1_Result.$_Training1_Text01, "Your answer was not an integer within the range.", "EXCLAIM"):0;

$_Training1_RCnt = 0 ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 0 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 1 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 2 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 3 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 4 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 5 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 6 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 7 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 8 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 9 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_RBI = $_Training1_Result == 10 ? 0 : 1 ;
$_Training1_RCnt = $_Training1_RCnt + $_Training1_RBI ;
$_Training1_Text01 = "\n\n The acceptable values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10." ;
$_Training1_RCnt > 10 ? alert($_Training1_Result.$_Training1_Text01, "Your answer was not an integer within the range.", "EXCLAIM"):0;

#--    $RESULT = confirm( MESSAGE [, TITLE [, BUTTONS [, ICON]]] );
$_Training1_Text01 = "The confirm statement is used to send a message to the user. \n" ;
$_Training1_Text02 = "The user must interact with the message display box in order \n" ;
$_Training1_Text03 = "for the macro to continue.  \n The user's interaction is returned " ;
$_Training1_Text04 = "to the macro where the results \n can be acted upon. \n\n Can you see this message?";
$_Training1_Result = confirm($_Training1_Text01.$_Training1_Text02.$_Training1_Text03.$_Training1_Text04,"confirm statement","YESNO",QUESTION) ;
$_Training1_Result == "NO" ? $_Training1_Result=confirm("You could not see prior message?", "received 'NO' from previous", "YESNO",EXCLAIM) :0 ;
$_Training1_Result == "YES" ? $_Training1_Result=confirm("Good, you did see it.", "received 'YES' from previous", "YESNO","EXCLAIM") :0 ;
$_Training1_Text01 = "are shown below.  Some shortning of text was done so they would fit \n\n" ;
$_Training1_Text02 = "Result=confirm('Bunch of text','confirm statement','YESNO','QUESTION'); \n" ;
$_Training1_Text03 = "Result=confirm('You could not see prior message?', 'received 'NO' from previous', 'YESNO','EXCLAIM'); \n" ;
$_Training1_Text04 = "Result=confirm('Good, you did see it.', 'received 'YES' from previous', 'YESNO','EXCLAIM'); \n" ;
$_Training1_Text05 = "Bye the way, your last answer was  ".$_Training1_Result. "." ;
alert($_Training1_Text01.$_Training1_Text02.$_Training1_Text03.$_Training1_Text04.$_Training1_Text05, "The previous confirm statements");
$_Training1_Text01 = "$RESULT = confirm( MESSAGE [, TITLE [, BUTTONS [, ICON]]] ); \n" ;
$_Training1_Text03 = "ICON = EXCLAIM | INFO | STOP | QUESTION \n " ;
$_Training1_Text04 = "RESULT = OK | YES | NO |ABORT | RETRY | IGNORE | 0 \n\n";
$_Training1_Text05 = "Do you need to view other combinations of buttons and icons? ";
$_Training1_Result = confirm($_Training1_Text01.$_Training1_Text02.$_Training1_Text03.$_Training1_Text04.$_Training1_Text05, "confirm message box", "YESNO");
$_Training1_Result == "YES" ? macros(_Training1_ConfirmCodeA) : 0 ;

#alert("the user wants more");
$_Training1_Result = confirm("Choose an action", "The process stopped", "ABORTRETRYIGNORE", "STOP");
$_Training1_Text01 = "Result = confirm('Choose an action', 'The process stopped', 'ABORTRETRYIGNORE', 'STOP');";
alert("Your reply generated this answer " . $_Training1_Result. "\n\n The code was as follows \n\n". $_Training1_Text01, "confirm with buttons 'ABORTRETRYIGNORE'");
$_Training1_Result = confirm("Do you want to try another answer?", "Replay previous", "YESNOCANCEL");
$_Training1_Text01 = "Result = confirm('Do you want to try another answer?', 'Replay previous', 'YESNOCANCEL');" ;
$_Training1_Result == "YES" ? $_Training1_Text02 = "Other possible answers were  NO or 0." :0; 
$_Training1_Result == "NO" ? $_Training1_Text02 = "Other possible answers were  YES or 0." :0;
$_Training1_Result == 0 ? $_Training1_Text02 = "Other possible answers were  NO or YES." :0;
alert("Your reply generated this answer " . $_Training1_Result. "\n\n". $_Training1_Text02."\n\n The code was as follows \n\n". $_Training1_Text01, "confirm - replay previous");
$_Training1_Result == "YES" ? &_Training1_ConfirmCodeA : 0;

#--  alert( MESSAGE [, TITLE [, ICON]] );
$_Training1_Text01 = "The alert statement is used to send a message to the user. \n" ;
$_Training1_Text02 = "The user must interact with the message display box in order \n" ;
$_Training1_Text03 = "for the macro to continue.  \n\n This is an alert message." ;
alert($_Training1_Text01.$_Training1_Text02.$_Training1_Text03, "alert message box", "INFO");
$_Training1_Text01 = "alert( MESSAGE [, TITLE [, ICON]] ); \n\n TITLE and ICON are optional. \n" ;
$_Training1_Text02 = "ICON can have one of the following values \n" ;
$_Training1_Text03 = "EXCLAIM | INFO | STOP | QUESTION \n\n EXCLAIM was used in this alert." ;
alert($_Training1_Text01.$_Training1_Text02.$_Training1_Text03, "form of the alert statement", "EXCLAIM");
alert("Neither TITLE nor ICON  is used in this alert");

# add additional lines to the training menu
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[1]   Prompt","Training1_PromptCode");
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[1]   Confirm","Training1_ConfirmCode");
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[1]   Alert","Training1_AlertCode");

################  END OF TRAINING1.KMM  ###############################

Comments & Questions


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