
KMeleonWiki > Features

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K-Meleon 是一個輕巧、快速、高效率的 Windows 平台網路瀏覽器,可以讓使用者完全控制外觀及功能。下面會列出本瀏覽器主要的功能。


K-Meleon 是唯一一款讓你自己選擇要共用 Internet Explorer 的我的最愛、共用 Opera 的熱門清單或是獨立使用 Netscape/Mozilla 書籤管理系統的瀏覽器。


透過分層外掛程式 (layers plugin),K-Meleon 能夠很容易管理你瀏覽的許多網站。也就是俗稱的「分頁」瀏覽,這個功能可以讓你同時瀏覽多個網頁,而只需按下最上方的工具列中代表每個網頁的「分頁」按鈕就可以切換不同的網頁。這對需要在網路上搜尋資料時很有幫助,不用再反覆的按上一頁、下一頁回到之前瀏覽的頁面。若你有很多程式同時執行時,此功能也可以避免在 Windows 工作列上出現許多視窗的按鈕。


Introduced and popularized by Opera, mouse gestures are now a common staple among alternative browsers. Through the mouse gestures plugin, K-Meleon offers a quick, easy way to navigate the web by right-clicking on a page while sliding your mouse left or right to go back or forward. Like all of K-Meleon's other features, the mouse gestures plugin is very customizable and allows initiation of almost all commands and macros.

Complete Toolbar, Menu, Context Menu, & Keyboard Shortcut Customization

One of the defining characteristics of K-Meleon is its extensive user customization feature. You can easily revamp your main menu and context menus by deleting or adding the items of your choice, access any function from your toolbar or assign any keyboard shortcut to any function. There is no need to extract and compile jar files or download various different extensions which may add other unwanted items to a desired feature.

Block Popup Windows

A hazard of browsing the web is the annoying popup window advertisement. K-Meleon comes equipped with a Popup Blocking feature that blocks these popups and also allows you to quickly enable popups at a particular site.


K-Meleon 從按下程式到啟動程式所需要的時間是任何 Gecko 系列瀏覽器中最快的。若是較老舊、較慢的 PC 還能利用載入程式 (loader) 進一步加速啟動時間。

Easy Web Searching

Click on the Search button in your toolbar to enter items to search for with Google. By default the keyboard shortcut to view the search prompt is Ctrl+G. This, of course, can easily be changed along with the search engine. K-Meleon also supports searching directly from the URL bar with support for Mozilla keywords and Microsoft Quick Search.

Themes & Skins

K-Meleon is one of the simplest browsers to skin and all of its images can be changed to your liking. Visit the TutorialSkinning Guide for instructions. Various user contributed Themes and Skins are available for download.


K-Meleon 獨家的巨集外掛程式 (macros plugin) 可以大幅擴充瀏覽器的功能和能力(有點類似 Firefox 的擴充套件。)你可以在 MacroLibrary 中找到許多巨集範例。只要你能夠了解 巨集語言 你就能自己撰寫巨集,為瀏覽器添加你想要的功能。


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