Bugs :
K-Meleon Web Browser Forum
You can talk about issues with k-meleon here. Issues means: bugs, malfunction, crashes, etc. Remember that issues with web rendering is beyond the scope of what K-meleon is, a shell for an engine.
Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 20, 2004 01:41AM
Enable cookie confirmation (
user_pref("network.cookie.warnAboutCookies", true);), then open
http://java.sun.com/ and answer "Deny" to all the dialogs. Mine always crashes.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 20, 2004 08:01PM
I was using
user_pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0);
user_pref("network.cookie.prefsMigrated", true);
user_pref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 1);
user_pref("network.cookie.warnAboutCookies", true);
to test the page.
I didn't get any crashes upon denying the cookies (but I had to click deny a hundred times ;-/). But if I close K-M after the last cookie dialog is gone and the page is fully loaded some more dialogs will pop up and K-M will stay resident and finally crashing in the end (after trying to open it again).
If I surf to another page after the page has fully loaded (my local homepage for example) the cookie dialogs will appear, too, but afterwards everything will be alright. No crashes.
XP SP2 and 0.9 beta 2
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 22, 2004 03:47AM
Same config here.
This does not only happen to java.sun.com , but also to other pages, e.g.
http://www.neowin.net , that use multiple cookies (I'm not sure about this forum because I've set it to never ask). It is also not affected whether I choose Accept or Deny (haven't tried Session, but I don't think it would make any difference). The Details button works perfectly.
On the first dialog, nothing seems wrong. The problem starts to show on the second dialog, where I cannot check the "do not ask again" checkbox, and pressing Esc doesn't do anything. The third dialog shows the same behavior, and will crash K-Meleon after I click Accept/Deny.
WinXP SP1, KM 0.9b2
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 23, 2004 11:08PM
Yeah, indeed. Repro'ed with a clean 0.9 beta 2 setup. Just crashed on this forum.
What's strange is the fact that my other 0.9 beta 2 install doesn't crash immediately or not at all (see above), although there are only a few things different (from what I recall: phoenity theme, layers-plugin not loaded, other toolbar-arrangement, accels a bit customized).
BTW: k-meleon.exe (which is reporting itself as version 0.7.1 ...) crashed with a fault in *toolbars.dll* here.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 23, 2004 11:20PM
Okay, it's the layers plugin - or it is at least involved to a major part.
Layers disabled: no crashes
Layers enabled: crashing just like you described
Nothing changed except enabling/disabling layers and restarting K-Meleon; reproduced: always (okay make that: 3 out of 3 tries plus my other install).
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 23, 2004 11:32PM
Let me add:
Using a layers.dll I built on CVS code: no crashes.
The same thing applies to the one from Dorian's builds. I don't have the one from 0.8.2 easily accessible ;-), but it already looks quite clear: There has been a change in the layers plugin that's causing trouble.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 23, 2004 11:33PM
The difference between the beta's is the latest beta includes Jan's "Hacked Chrome", which is probably the source of the problem. I'm sure Jan is knowledgable enough to fix it.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2004 12:00AM
Well, yes, that might be the cause, but no, it was always beta 2 and the same beta 2 doesn't crash with older versions of the layers.dll-plugin.
To make sure someone could take the layers.dll from 0.9 beta 2 and use it with an older version of K-Meleon to see if it will be starting to crash.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2004 12:00AM
The difference between the beta's is the latest beta includes Jan's "Hacked Chrome", which is probably the source of the problem.
Nah, it's the layers plugin. Using the layers.dll from the first beta(which I believe is pretty much the same as the one from CVS) and no crashes here with these dialogues. The new prefs OnOpenOption & OnCloseOption may be responsible since they also cause a conflict with the ReplaceLayersinWindow command. If not those prefs, then perhaps something to do with an attempted fix for the layers(Close) command closing the wrong layer for Win9x users. But I don't know if an attempted fix for that bug was included in the dll for beta 2.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2004 12:07PM
i agree with jsnj,
All k-m younger than 0.7.1 crash e. g. on
unless toolbar or layers are switched of.
there was also a complain about another
site where swiching off layers helped.
K-MELEON verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul TOOLBARS.DLL bei 017f:00b8302c.
EAX=42005c73 CS=017f EIP=00b8302c EFLGS=00010202
EBX=000005d4 SS=0187 ESP=0065f2b0 EBP=00000000
ECX=007c8fc0 DS=0187 ESI=00000000 FS=1c17
EDX=00b82f90 ES=0187 EDI=00000010 GS=2127
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
39 58 34 74 0b 8b c8 8b 40 30 85 c0 75 f2 eb b9
00000000 000005d4 00000000 00000010 00b71832 000005d4 00000010 00000000 00000000 000005d4 00000010 000005d4 00000074 aefe0000 00adb2a9 00adb2a9
You can test Jans crome with Mozilla 1.7s if You choose online installer, choose
install browser only, delete chrome folder of browser, then copy 0.9 chrome into
place. (this was aalso done with W-B chrome) I am using this also for surfing and i have found no faults or crashes.
kind regards & best weekend
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: October 24, 2004 02:34PM
Mozilla 1.7s found that it does not start anymore - when i just tried.
Guess i too have to return to mfcembed.exe for testing.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: November 28, 2004 10:09AM
Sorry, I can't test, now that my Windows is broken. I'll try installing wine, but I can't promise anything.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: November 28, 2004 01:12PM
Well, K-Meleon runs quite fine under wine, but after showing the cookie dialogs, strange things happen. I can't tell how it would behave in Windows.
When Layers is disabled, everything is normal.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: November 28, 2004 03:00PM
Okay, it's still there, but somehow different. After denying the first cookie dialog a second (had only one window open) K-Meleon entry is left in the taskbar, but I can't open the window or dialog that belongs to it. It seems like it is hiding under the toolbar of the current window if I try to minimize/restore it. In any case I can't deny or accept further cookies because I don't get the dialog(s) anymore (well, they are invisible). As K-M won't load new sites with "open" dialogs so I have to right click the taskbar entries and choose "Close". After that the K-M task will still continue to run and I have to close it using taskmanager. That's not what I'd call "fixed", although I don't have any problems because I don't use layers. ;-P
Anyone with a similar repro?
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: November 28, 2004 03:01PM
Oh, and please excuse me English..
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: November 29, 2004 08:29AM
Under Wine, there's a tiny window (about 5x20px; just like a completely empty window) after the 2nd dialog.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: December 23, 2004 04:25PM
In case you're not monitoring the dev list, Ulf is looking at this bug. He has requested to test this in mfcEmbed, and also whether closing the dialog with the X button crashes it.
I tried testing in mfcEmbed (with Wine), and the pref seems to be ignored (no confirmation dialog is displayed). Is this also the case in Windows?
I'm wondering if you could 'take over' this bug report, since I can't be sure that my tests using Wine are reliable.

Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: December 26, 2004 09:12PM
Ulf is looking at this bug.
He has requested to test this in mfcEmbed, and also whether closing the dialog with the X button crashes it.
Just found the time to test this. No crashes at all.
But we already know that the problem is not there (or very different) if layers are disabled.
BTW: The mfcembed task does disappear just like it should after closing the final window although I closed cookie dialogs using the [x] before - unlike K-M that will continue to run if I close xul dialogs with the [x] or [Alt[&F4]... ;-/
I tried testing in mfcEmbed (with Wine), and the pref seems to be ignored (no confirmation dialog is displayed).
mfcembed does create its own profile (based on the defaults in the K-M dir), you have to make the required changes there. With Win XP this profile can be found here: Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\MfcEmbed\Profiles\. Don't know how Wine handles this.
I'm wondering if you could 'take over' this bug report, since I can't be sure that my tests using Wine are reliable.
I think that won't help much, because I'm not posting to the dev-list and I'm usually not using layers at all. But I'll try to confirm the results you get with Wine and/or help you out with testing.
Re: Crash with cookie confirmation dialog
Posted by:
Date: December 27, 2004 05:20AM
OK, I've relayed your findings to the dev list. Thanks.