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General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 
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K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Pete
Date: July 17, 2006 09:51AM

i downloaded it form the left side "Download" of the site ( )

Well, it seems the same to 1.0RC2.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: kko
Date: July 17, 2006 10:29AM

What you've discovered, is the final release, Pete. It's not the same as RC2!

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: mchasard
Date: July 17, 2006 11:35AM

Could you give us more informations about this kmeleon 1.0 release ... no official annonces were out ...

THanks in advance ...

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Enaitz Jar
Date: July 17, 2006 11:35AM

Do you mean that it's done? Dorian has finally finished it?

If so why is not reflected on the main page? Where are the fireworks?

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Terry
Date: July 17, 2006 11:38AM

kko, can this final 1.0 release be installed over the RC2 release like Firefox's upgrades or should it be placed in a folder of its own? I am not profiling RC2 so that it is localized at the moment.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: guenter
Date: July 17, 2006 11:51AM

Enaitz Jar, Dorian worked on it untill the last moment when he had time.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: gufi
Date: July 17, 2006 01:28PM

This K-Meleon 1.0 is great! It's like being a kid in a candy store with all the configuration choices available. Runs fast on my WinXP box too.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 17, 2006 02:50PM

Congratulations and thanks to Dorian and his helpers !
This is an important development in the history of K-Meleon.

The bug when writing the capital "s" in RC2 has unfortunately
not been fixed.This could be a drawback for new users and
should be improved.
As an instant fix for the moment :
Go to
accel.cfg will spring up.
Search for the line


and remove it.
Close the browser first and save accel.cfg to
its origin, not as "text", but as "all files".
After restarting the browser, the capital "S" on
the keyboard should work again.


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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: kko
Date: July 17, 2006 04:00PM

Topic: K-Meleon 1.0
From: "Dorian Boissonnade"
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 11:28:01 +0200
To: "kko", "guenter", "Alain Aupeix"


K-Meleon is up on sourceforge. I have to leave the rest to you winking smiley
You should make a test release for each locale as soon as you can, hoping you still have some time. Maybe we can wait for the first locales to be ready before making an official announcement of the release.

Thanks for all the work you done so far smiling smiley

This is the reason, why there was no official announcement of K-Meleon 1.0 yet! Please give us some time to finish the planned locale packages (German is almost complete. I don't know how far French and Spanish are now).

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: kko
Date: July 17, 2006 04:00PM

@Fred, Terry:

When installing 1.0 Final over 1.0 RC2, keep in mind that this will not update any existing profiles! You have to do that manually. Copy the following files:

- accel.cfg
- macros.cfg
- menus.cfg
- mimeTypes.rdf

from K-Meleon\defaults\profile\ to your existing profile directories. (These files have been updated.)

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: vpowell
Date: July 17, 2006 04:08PM

better still after searching accel.cfg for


just change that line to what is used in some other K-Meleons:


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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: alain aupeix chez wanadoo fr
Date: July 17, 2006 04:22PM

Hi kko,

French locale setup is ready, and I just have to verify some details.
Does german locale uses setup or zip file?

I haven't news from Maty, I'll send him a new mail for spanish local, else, perhaps Enaitz Jar has time ....

Unfortunately, Dorian hasn't kept my setup (don't know why) and the locale can't be installed directly by K-Meleon setup.

I'm working on SetDefault to make it multi-language (fr,en,de,es). I'm about to finish ...


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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 17, 2006 04:22PM

Yes, I see now, that the bug has been fixed in \defaults\profile\ .
But it would be better, if the existing profile would be updated
automatically. We did not have that problem before, when
profiles were in the K-Meleon Program Folder, and a new
profile was always necessary. So there are always advantages
and disadvantages in changes. As a single user, I prefer
profiles in the program folder, but for multiusers it's different.
But naturally, the old profile in "Documents" can be deleted
before the installation (after saving bookmarks and personal
changes to another place).
Regards and thanks

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Enaitz Jar
Date: July 17, 2006 04:51PM

I know Desga2 had the RC2 spanish locale almost finished, last week he send me an almost finished work to review for forgotten things or little errors, and it was a very good job.

I'm mailing him now to see how is it going, don't know wheter the RC2 locale will fit on the 1.0, hope they're compatible.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Hao Jiang
Date: July 17, 2006 05:35PM

You can take a look at the new Release Notes page at here for K-Meleon 1.0:

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: ndebord
Date: July 18, 2006 02:14AM

Dorian and everyone who worked so hard on this (you know who you are!)

Very nice. Very big congratulations. K-Meleon 1.0 is magnificient. I was able to port my settings over from RC2 (and earlier 0.9) without any problems whatsoever.




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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: bill
Date: July 18, 2006 03:52AM

"This is the reason, why there was no official announcement of K-Meleon 1.0 yet! Please give us some time to finish the planned locale packages (German is almost complete. I don't know how far French and Spanish are now)."

I don't think you can get the genie back in the bottle now!

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: guenter
Date: July 18, 2006 04:34AM

For US the locale setup is a big issue.
There is a German version for 3 major versions now (and several updates).
But in my home country when You read about k-meleon in a PC magazine:
it always said English browser!

I thank Alain, Dorian and kko for giving me a new browser!

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Frank
Date: July 18, 2006 04:42AM

Big Salutations to Dorian & ALL Team members who so unselfishly worked on this FREE Windows browser !

Wish all success & growth to K-Meleon browser now & in future ! Onwards and upwards K-Meleon 1x !

Cheers and Congrats to all of you


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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Mike
Date: July 18, 2006 08:30PM

Congratulations on a superb piece of work.
My computer Pentium 4,Windows XP Pro. with 512 MB Ram plus I have a Broadband connection.I have already installed Opera 9,the latest Firefox Beta and as my default I have been using I.E.7 Beta.
I have seen reviews where it is stated K-meleon is O.K. only if you have you have a slow machine.This is not true,this browser is the fastest and smoothest I have ever used.
Well done.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: bob
Date: July 18, 2006 10:21PM

I have used K-Meleon 1.0 over the last 48 hours at different times of the day and night, with and without anonymiser and on different websites. On every website I visit, K-M 1.0 renders the home page slower than the K-M 0.9.13 w/ Brian Bruns updates that I previously used. Once inside all websites, K-M 1.0 renders subsequent pages faster than 0.9.13.

Pentium 4, WinXP Home, 1 GB Ram, 56k dialup sad smiley

Any idea why it's slower, then faster? Other than the dialup ISP?

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: guenter
Date: July 19, 2006 06:13AM

generally a k-meleon with 1.8 GRE (1.0) is faster than with 1.7. GRE (almost all 0.9)
But Your 0.9.13 settings are better adapted to You conection speed.

You will find further helpfull info under keywords like: tweak guide, Achilles e. g.

Most tweaks are for the GRE & not specific to SeaMonkey, Firefox or k-meleon.
K-meleon will ignore tweaks that are only for XUL based browsers.
So You can normally do nothing wrong when You use a FFox tweak guide.
There are older threads in this forum also.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: desga2
Date: July 19, 2006 10:20AM

Hi, in 1.0 'prerelease'

Not Tip are showed in left button on bookmarks bar!.

Thankx great work, I wait a fine translation to spanish by Maty. I'm very bad translator.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: alain aupeix chez wanadoo fr
Date: July 19, 2006 11:11AM

I also wait for him :-)

No news since a certain time ... perhaps on holidays ?


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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Enaitz Jar
Date: July 19, 2006 12:00PM

I've used and checked Desga2 translations, and I can tell he is a liar, he has made for the RC2 the finest translation I've ever seen :-)

If Maty doesn't come back in time I'm sure we could easily adapt Desga2 RC2 work to fit in the 1.0.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Enaitz Jar
Date: July 19, 2006 12:10PM

I am a bit worried seeing that in some webs they're saying that official K-Meleon 1.0 is out and they're offering links.

Shouldn't be better to rename it to RC3 or something until we finish it definitively? Remember for example the capitol S problem. And on the final version it's supposed to be included at least french german and spanish languages to choose on the installation.

Also, I sometimes think we could make a bigger list of collaborators on the about: menu. In Firefox they're doing it to grab people and make them feel as a part of the project so they won't leave easily.

Currently more than 80% of the people listed there are gone from years and people that, as Fred for example, are primary developers for the 0'9 branch are not even mentioned. I think that there are about half a dozen names which should be included on the official release somewhere.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Douglas
Date: July 19, 2006 02:36PM

Just came back from holiday and there it was ... the 1.0 Final on Sourceforge. Not much time to experiment yet, but it is looking great so far. AND the MIME Types editor has returned too!

Dorian - you have done a splendid job on 1.0 and I and many others will be truly grateful for your programming work for a long time to come. Thanks also to the other vital contributors.

I will squash down a portable version of 1.0 as far as possible (UPXing EXEs/DLLs, maximally compressing JARs, etc) when I get the chance.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: Rolf
Date: July 19, 2006 06:51PM

running it since a view days and it works very smooth. I like it, good job! Thanks for the effort Dorian + all contributors!


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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: gene
Date: July 20, 2006 12:08AM

"I am a bit worried seeing that in some webs they're saying that official K-Meleon 1.0 is out and they're offering links."

K-Meleon 1.0 was put on for downloading, There was no RC# to indicate that it was anything other than a final release. People will think it is a final even though it has not been designated 'official final' by K-M developers. I don't have a problem with it but I'm not dependent on a french, german or spanish translation.

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Re: K-Meleon 1.0 released?
Posted by: alain aupeix chez wanadoo fr
Date: July 20, 2006 06:00AM

Yes, you can think it's not important, but consider that the greater improvement instead of the usual chrome upgrade and solved bugs, is the mechanism of translation which has been made, and it was important to give all the features the same time.

For some reason, and holidays are one, all the job hadn't be put online the same time.

More than french, german or spanish people, a lot of other languages are easily translatable and will probably be done.

It's for me the more important improvement we have made, and as I talked with Ulf, there's a long time, it was really necessary to make this possible. The fact Dorian is french has perhaps helped this point.


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