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General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 
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new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 18, 2005 08:33PM

To prove the stability of Dorians new build,
I have uploaded to Rapidshare a new version
K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4 .
Based on Mozilla 1.8b4 nightly sept/10th/2005
Keeps the original look and settings of the official K-Meleon0.9.
Sidebars and most macros disabled, but can be enabled in menus.cfg.
Thanks to Dorian, Hao and Guenter.

Press the button "FREE" at the bottom of the page (javascript enabled) ,
and extract the self-extracting .exe into a fresh folder.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: bst82551
Date: October 18, 2005 10:55PM

Aren't there compatibility issues with the original and 1.8b4? Is that why most macros and sidebars are disabled?


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 18, 2005 11:32PM

The macros have been disabled, in order to keep the simple
surface and look of the original official version.
The macros.cfg is the same as in ME.0.041-modified, where
the macros, that have been disabled in the new version,
are enabled in menus.cfg, and you can enable the ones, that
you want to use. An exception are the group macros, because
they only work with the layers plugin, which has been removed
because tabs replace the layers now. When Dorian will add the
group feature in his kmeleon.exe, groups can be used again.
The sidebar has been disabled, because Dorian fears, that
flaws could appear, when you edit your bookmarks in the
sidebar. If you want it, and you take care, you can enable it by
removing the # for the lines, which call it up in menus.cfg.
But it is clear, that the menus.cfg and macros.cfg are
different from the ones of the 1.7.12 version, and can not be
used with the other version.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: guenter
Date: October 18, 2005 11:44PM

@Brian - some things do not work because the macros point at a wrong (old) position
in chrome (there are some changes by Mozilla in there - that lead to faults - that much i know for certain) - & some newly programed things listen to different commands now or are newly created
(AFAIK but i do not always have time to look very closely at each item.
Fred who knows more of the macros language could say more with certainty
- i assume they would work if the macros were already fully adapted to new names ). greetings the the South

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 19, 2005 12:43AM


Excellent download and version. Will play with it some more and get back to you when I can digest it and post something intelligible.

Much thanks,


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: bst82551
Date: October 19, 2005 01:18AM

No crashes so far, but I have noticed several problems that I've already reported including the problem with not being able to open URL's in a new tab. I also noticed that some of the dialogs were just blank. I think the first blank dialog I noticed was when I was signing into a secure website of some sort.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: guenter
Date: October 19, 2005 02:06AM

@Brian - the later sounds like typical chrome thing.

Cookies, images popup dialogues have changed location in chrome and more.
takes time - to do all, if macros are changed else a fix
= copying second version of xul parts to old places.

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 19, 2005 02:48AM


bug report

This version: KM0.9_1.8b4, crashed my Win98se laptop upon exit.

The mesage was:

this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut

Here are the details.

K-MELEON caused an invalid page fault in
module COMCTL32.DLL at 017f:bfbb3b97.
EAX=0098c0c0 CS=017f EIP=bfbb3b97 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=0068baf0 EBP=0068bb20
ECX=00000001 DS=0187 ESI=004704cc FS=139f
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=004704ec GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
39 08 72 0a ff 08 39 48 04 72 03 ff 48 04 8b 40
Stack dump:
00000dd8 004704cc bfbb3bfd 00000dd8 004704cc 00000000 004704cc bfbb3d9d 00000dd8 004704cc 00000000 00470424 0068bd7c bfb88d6d 00000dd8 bfb89310


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 19, 2005 03:43AM

This could be connected to the batch file historydelete.cmd,
that is called up by my macro to give you the possibility to
delete the file history.dat on exit (where the history is).
May be that in w98 you would need a .bat file to do that.

With the browser closed, go to your profiles folder
Profiles/default/xxxxxxxx.slt (xxxxxxxx is a random name)
and to macros.cfg
Search in the file for OnQuit
and delete the two lines :

alert("To delete your history, doubleclick on historydelete.cmd");
exec("explorer.exe" . $path);

Save macros.cfg to its origin(as "all files", not as "text").
In the same folder delete the file historydelete.cmd .

If this does should not help, then the fault is probably in k-meleon.exe.

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 19, 2005 09:36PM


<<Fred>> and delete the two lines :

<<alert("To delete your history, doubleclick on historydelete.cmd");
<<exec("explorer.exe" . $path);

<<Save macros.cfg to its origin(as "all files", not as "text").
<<In the same folder delete the file historydelete.cmd .

<<If this does should not help, then the fault is probably in k-meleon.exe.

No difference...same error message when I exit.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 19, 2005 10:21PM

It seems to be a Windows 98 problem.
I am using Windows XP and everything seems to be ok.
Have you tried the other versions, that use the same base,
namely 0.041 and 0.041-modified ?
Possibly a file is missing in W98.
If the browser only gives out an error message on exit
and closes itself, without freezing, it is not so bad.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 20, 2005 04:37AM


This from KM04119a1. Crash at exit.

K-MELEON caused an invalid page fault in
module COMCTL32.DLL at 017f:bfbb3b97.
EAX=0098c0c0 CS=017f EIP=bfbb3b97 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=0068baf0 EBP=0068bb20
ECX=00000001 DS=0187 ESI=0047006c FS=425f
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=0047008c GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
39 08 72 0a ff 08 39 48 04 72 03 ff 48 04 8b 40
Stack dump:
00000bb0 0047006c bfbb3bfd 00000bb0 0047006c 00000000 0047006c bfbb3d9d 00000bb0 0047006c 00000000 0046ffc4 0068bd7c bfb88d6d 00000bb0 bfb89310

Am at a loss here. I do remember earlier versions working. Either it is something on my sytem or this is a W98se issue. Anybody else running W98se having the same crash?



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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 20, 2005 05:22AM


FWIW, the latest from Hao (that I could find) doesn't crash on my W98se laptop.

K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Beta 1


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 20, 2005 06:00AM

I know that the 0.041-1.9a1-modified (based on 1.9a1) was not stable,
that is why I made a 0.041-modified (based on 1.8b4), one day after
the release of 0.041-1.9a1-modified. This second version worked then
well here. It has also compressed exes and dlls, as also Haos 0.041
has, while the version 0.04 Beta 1 is not a minimum edition, and there
those files are uncompressed. I would wonder if the minimum version
0.041 made by Hao crashes on W98, because it is based on the
same files as 0.041-modified and my new original-updated-1.8b4.
This version is also still available at Hao's download page.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 20, 2005 04:11PM


FRED>> I know that the 0.041-1.9a1-modified (based on 1.9a1) was not stable, that is why I made a 0.041-modified (based on 1.8b4), one day after the release of 0.041-1.9a1-modified. This second version worked then well here. It has also compressed exes and dlls, as also Haos 0.041 has, while the version 0.04 Beta 1 is not a minimum edition, and there those files are uncompressed. I would wonder if the minimum version 0.041 made by Hao crashes on W98, because it is based on the same files as 0.041-modified and my new original-updated-1.8b4. This version is also still available at Hao's download page.

I'm using CCF ME 0.041 now (a pita as it is the only avail download and it has chinese, not english menus). It does not crash when I exit it. But I would like to test it further if I can get an English menu working with it.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: A_T
Date: October 20, 2005 07:14PM

I too get the message on exit:

To delete your history, doubleclick on historydelete.cmd

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: A_T
Date: October 20, 2005 07:33PM

also I cannot get flash to work with this otherwise great version

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 20, 2005 10:32PM

The message to delete your history is ok in Windows XP.
If you do not want it, do the following :

Go to Tools-->AdvancedPreferences-->Macros
macros.cfg will open.
Search in the file for OnQuit
and delete the two lines :

alert("To delete your history, doubleclick on historydelete.cmd");
exec("explorer.exe" . $path);

Close the browser first and then
save macros.cfg to its origin(as "all files", not as "text").

To make flash work:

Go to Tools-->AdvancedPreferences-->UserContent
usercontent.css will open.
Delete the part at the top until the line
:link[target="_blank"], :visited[target="_blank"],

Keep this line, but delete, what comes before
at the top.
Close the browser first and then
save usercontent.css to its origin(as "all files", not as "text").


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 20, 2005 10:43PM

@ ndeboard

I have not found the cause of the error yet, but as I
said before, if nothing freezes, there will be no reason
to worry in my opinion.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Walt Stanley
Date: October 21, 2005 12:53AM


Thanks for asking about flash. I have not done much with the new versions because of the flash problem. I don't know why I didn't ask about it, instead of playing around with the files.


Thanks for telling us how to solve the flash problem. Of couse it is only a problem if you need the flash.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: ndebord
Date: October 21, 2005 03:06AM


FRED>> I have not found the cause of the error yet, but as I said before, if nothing freezes, there will be no reason to worry in my opinion.

I'm not really worried, although I will run Hao's version instead. However, if both your version and Hao's version are based on Dorian's build, but Hao's version works just fine and yours crashes, there is something that can be fixed. I can't provide anything more robust in terms of information than the dump I posted before.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 21, 2005 04:26AM

Hao's version is a layers only system. You cannot choose
mixed layers/windows browsing as in the original official
version. I have tried to change that, and it worked, but then
you have the same error message as with my versions.
So after some attempts I have given up for the moment.
If you are used to browse layers only, you can do that
with Hao's version. My versions seems to be okay also, except
for the error message on exit in W98, if mixed layers/windows
browsing is required.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: A_T
Date: October 21, 2005 07:25AM

Thanks for the solutions to the problems I posted. What would make it perfect is a toolbar button (like the CCF reloaded) which brings up the full file,edit etc menu so that this can all be removed from the taskbar to create more space.

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 21, 2005 09:25AM

This is already realised in my version 0.041-modified which
contains also all the search macros, which I omitted in this
version original-updated-1.8b4, to have the look and surface
of the old official 1.7.5 version.
You can download the version 0.041-modified at :

Press the button "FREE" at the bottom of the page (javascript enabled) ,
and extract the self-extracting .exe into a fresh folder.
I hope that you will like it.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: A_T
Date: October 21, 2005 09:35AM

That is a nice version too but like this one when you highlight text and try to use search it brings up a prompt rather than displaying the results in another page.

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 21, 2005 09:55AM

To make a search for highlighted text right-click on it and
select in the context menu -->SelectedText-->Google or one
of the other search engines, and the results appear in another page.


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I think a bug here
Posted by: Vinod Patel
Date: October 21, 2005 11:31AM

I am not getting the box to enter my user name and password for my IPCOP firewall. The page displays

Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.


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I think a bug here
Posted by: Vinod Patel
Date: October 21, 2005 11:31AM

I am not getting the box to enter my user name and password for my IPCOP firewall. The page displays

Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.


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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: A_T
Date: October 21, 2005 01:29PM

rather than this I get a prompt saying "enter search query"

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Re: new version: K-Meleon0.9-original-updated-1.8b4
Posted by: Arrow
Date: October 22, 2005 01:34AM

Thankyou very much for your work Fred

I'm getting the same problem with favorites as usual on all versions with the recently intorduced favs dlls whereby the favs do not sort into order
Therefore I am wondering why this dll is being used ?

They sort o'k when older fav dll from k-mel 9 original etc is used

Another problem is that opening favs in new tab option will not check or enable with either dll
nor will bookmarks or hotlist.

Likewise I get error on 98se when closing browser

Unfortunately because of these issues I will remain with using a couple of your previous mods which I like very much, I'm not a big fan of the original k-meleon 9 layout

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