General :  K-Meleon Web Browser Forum
General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 
new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 03, 2005 11:58AM

I have uploaded to Rapidshare a new version with genuine Tabs
K-MeleonCCFME 0.041 -1.9a1-modified .
Minimum Edition.
Based on Mozilla 1.9a1 nightly of sept/2nd/2005
and on the version 0.041 . New k-meleon.exe.
Tabs instead of Layers.Tabspanel in Preferences.
Set doubleclick on tab behaviour in Preferences.
New IE Favorites plugin.
Several bugs fixed by Dorian.
Sidebar for bookmarks working.
New Find Bar, and Favicon support.
Aggreg8 RSS reader.
Phoenity-mod skin.
History in a box.
History can be cleared by history plugin.
Combined Tabs/Windows browsing possible.
Read the readme file.
Thanks to Dorian and Hao Jiang for k-meleon.exe and kplugins,
and to Guenter for the chrome.
Download at:

Press the button "FREE" at the bottom of the page (javascript enabled) ,
and extract the self-extracting .exe into a fresh folder.


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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 03, 2005 12:42PM

Love the Tab Options! Love the build! Can the performance options (Max Connections, etc) also not have it's own category?

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 03, 2005 01:07PM

1. [Back] and [Forward] on this site is extremely slow.

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 03, 2005 01:39PM

I suppose this could be possible in a performance options panel
in Preferences, that would have to be included in the .exe,
or else it would be possible in macros.
The settings
user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.firstrequest", true);
user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
are already fixed in prefs.js of this version .
But users, who are interested in such things, are
certainly able to add their performance preferrals
at the end of the file user.js in the profiles folder.
(The browser has to be closed, when you save the file
as "all files" not as "text".)
For information about specific selections go to :


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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 03, 2005 01:45PM

I think km should move away, so to speak, from this editing of files. This [Tab Option] is a very good way for ppl not willing to go that extra mile to dig deep within config files. I think it will not hurt the image of km that much. It just opens it up more to the "inexperienced" users out there. The 1st timers.

I am sure something like that can still happily co-exist with the more manual way of doing things.

Do options like these make km run more slower?

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: guenter
Date: October 03, 2005 02:13PM

Hope i understand Your question right?

FF ppl also edit user.js - it would be much more overhead to make surfaces for
manipulating all the many settings.

the ones i have on my last release notes to my theme are from a FF tweak guide: & are really those collected by "Achilles"

they were much discussed in our forum in the more distant past.
I think much code moved by cpu would make k-m slower.

best example FF with much extensions is slower than FF with few extensions.
(the same browser but the extensions are made from xhtml and java scripts
& are code that is moved by cpu)
greatings from Hannover to ZA

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 05, 2005 06:38AM

- Is KM not modular with the plugins and stuff? A plugin can be created to have these extra options available, yes? Then it will be up to the user to enable/disable the plugin, which in theory could mean a lighter/heavier KM. That way, the CPU only moves code that has been selected by the user.

- Speed. Performance. Ease of use. Features. UI. User-friendliness. I see these things in a holistic way. Say you have a lightweigth browser. But to get the most out of it, you have to tweak, go under the hood, fiddle, etc. There are ppl that love that. Others just want a fast, secure and reliable and user-friendly browser. E.g.
1. To change a skin. You select it from the Preferences. To see the effect you have to restart the browser.
2. To block an image/ad. You get a URL of the image and then have to go into a CSS file, get the correct format of the CSS code and edit it into the file.
etc. etc.

What is the vision of the KM dev team/contributers? Do they want to stay in the corner, doing their thing quitely? Do they want KM to stay within the realm of the tech-savvy users?

Most users nowadays have fast ADSL/DSL/whatever you call these connections. Comparing browser speeds over these connections is normally virtually meaningless.

Add to that most also have fast PCs that can move code around in a jiffy.

Without body language, tone of voice, etc. this might sound harsh/ungrateful/etc. but it is not.

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 05, 2005 07:44AM

K-Meleon is not supposed to be a browser, where the
simple user has to go to change configuration files. It has
the things, that normal users need, already preconfigured.
The macros that exist are changeable from the menu or even
from the Preferences panels, where now has been added even
a tabs panel. For technically interested people there is
still the option there to edit configuration files, but it is not
necessary, as well as there are no extensions to load,
to make the browser usable, as for example in Firefox.
The official version has already everything, that is really
needed, and there are many versions available, that offer
additional features, and are on their way to become mature
to show sufficient stability.A surplus of options in Preferences
could make the browser heavy, in Firefox there is also
a confined selection in Preferences.


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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 05, 2005 07:52AM

A surplus of options in Preferences could make the browser heavy, in Firefox there is also a confined selection in Preferences.
What is the difference with having options in [Preferences] and creating a plugin for the same options?

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 05, 2005 08:28AM

I believe, that you think of extensions, like in Firefox. They are a
different thing than kplugins in K-Meleon. Extensions are written
in xul, while kplugins are dlls. Firefox is very much xul dependent.
This gives it the possibility to be available for different platforms,
but it needs also a bigger chrome structure, while K-Meleon is
for Windows only, and depends much more on Windows files.
To make extensions work, K-Meleon would have to expand its
xul dependence on a large scale. This would also make the
browser heavy and slow. The important extensions of Firefox
are replaced by already existing macros. I can't see any advantage
in imitating Firefox, which has its own place already. We are
very few people working at this browser, while there are many
working for Firefox. Nevertheless we have now achieved com-
parability thanks to Dorian, who has added important
missing features like autocomplete, real tabs and a sidebar.
And I still think, that the browser is easy to handle, even
for a beginner.


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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Tblu
Date: October 05, 2005 08:28AM

your build rocks!!!! Thanks a lot smiling smiley
Albeit it is experimental, this one looks enough stable to work with.

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 05, 2005 08:47AM

As you may not have discovered yet, I have presented a short
time ago a new version of ME 0.041, based on 1.8b4 instead
of 1.9a1. This version has a much better stability and crashes
much less. I would advise you to use this new version.
Download at:


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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 06, 2005 05:27AM

And I still think, that the browser is easy to handle, even for a beginner.
Agreed. But I thought the beauty of km is it's modularity. So, if I wanted say a facility to manipulate connection settings, I can load/enable the plugin, and bam! I have the functionality to do that without editing files. If I do not want it, I just disable it. Obviously one would normally not do something like that often, it was just used for illustrative purposes.

A few more question regarding Plugins and [Preference] entries:
- When a plugin is disabled, is it loaded when km starts?
- Loaded plugins: Do they affect km's performance?
- Are all [Preference] entries loaded when km starts?

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Nicholas
Date: October 06, 2005 06:11AM

Plugins disabled are not loaded. From [Preferences] - [Plugins]: Checked items will be loaded next time km starts.

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Carson
Date: October 06, 2005 06:52AM

This 041 {1.8b4} is perhaps your best K-Meleon yet. Fast, sleek, a real beauty to set up and use. Congratulations!

-- For some reason I've had trouble again following your instructions to modify the macros.cfg so History won't display messages on closing. After I thought I did exactly what you said--I even had your older thread here displayed simultaneously as I deleted the two lines--the browser would not restart.

Probably I am simply misinterpreting something you said. I'll keep working on that. (To get it working again, I just pasted in a new, untouched macros.cfg--but of course, now History will display its messages.)

That's not a real problem.

-- My names for these browsers are getting WAY too long. This one I have listed as:
K-Meleon 0.9 {1.8 b4} CCF ME 0.041F (Oct 5-05)

If it becomes my default K-M, that will get added too:
K-Meleon 0.9 {1.8 b4} CCF ME 0.041F (Oct 5-05) Default

Ha ha! And I used to think "Wechselbalg" was a long name!

Thank you very much again for your good work, Fred.

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Carson
Date: October 06, 2005 06:33PM

Well, I've successfully modified the files in macros.cfg now, so the browser closes down without anything showing up afterward. This works for me, because I restart K-M maybe thirty times a day.

I modified the file my usual way, with the browser closed. I just did an edit in the text file and saved it.

I'm curious about the technique to achieve the same thing while running the browser. I think I'm making a mistake in understanding this part of your Sept 8-05 instructions:

"Close the browser first and save the file to its origin,
not as "text" but as "all files", and the alert should have
disappeared afte a restart."

Following that literally, I close the browser first (while the edit window is still there), so then I have the desktop with the edit window still showing. I save to "all files". After that, the browser won't restart.

It doesn't matter at all, becuz the other technique works. With the browser off, "save" is actually a save as *.txt, which is okay becuz the file is changed anyway, and the new content will govern that file after a restart. I'm just curious. <scratches head, thinks of donuts, wanders into kitchen>

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context menu problems in K-MeleonCCFME0.041-modified
Posted by: Tblu
Date: October 12, 2005 11:20AM

If I type something inside forms the context menu disappears.
Can anyone chack it out?

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Re: new version: K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified
Posted by: Fred
Date: October 12, 2005 03:49PM

I have tried to reproduce the behaviour that you describe, but
here the context menu appears as it should when I write inside
forms, so there is possibly something broken in your install.
If you would want to reinstall, and you still use the version
K-MeleonCCFME0.041-1.9a1-modified, I would recommend
to use my newer version based on 1.8b4, which is simply called
K-MeleonCCFME0.041-modified, because its stability is much better.
Download at:


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