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K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Hao Jiang
Date: September 17, 2005 07:45PM

Dorian's new SMA5 is out.

See here:

[Release Notes]

Merge with SM1.0b1
Support bakground open in layer: kmeleon.plugins.bookmarks.openurl have to be set to ID_OPEN_LINK_IN_NEW_TAB or ID_OPEN_LINK_IN_BACKGROUNDTAB
support for browser.tabs.autoHide

This version is using the latest Gecko 1.8b4, not 1.9a1.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Hao Jiang
Date: September 18, 2005 04:39AM

just switch the file to Gecko 1.9a1 just now which seems better than 1.8b4


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Fred
Date: September 18, 2005 05:30AM

Thank you, Hao, for this new Alpha 2.
It now has now genuine tabs which is a real progress.
I have just finished a modified version of it, which has the possibility
of combined layers/windows browsing, as all my versions have.
In my opinion it would be important to enable this in your final
builds, because it offers a better choice for many. You can
for example have 3 windows of 10 layers instead of 30 layers
in one window. This could also be an option for the new
Preferences dialog that Dorian mentioned, because it is
hard to find in the menu. I am still grateful for your work, we
benefit a lot of it.
The download of my new file is at

Regards from Switzerland

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 18, 2005 07:22AM

This is a great build. I can't tell even express how great the tabs have worked out so far. There's one problem I've been having with the past couple of builds. It's not a major problem, but it's bothering me enough to where I want to leave a post about it. I use the Favorites plugin because I like the way it allows me to share bookmarks with IE. Anyway, in the menus, I keep selecting "Open in new tab" for Favorites, but it doesn't do anything at all. There isn't even a check next to it when I go back to the menu. What's going on?


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Hao Jiang
Date: September 18, 2005 07:38AM

That's my fault. I changed the macro according to bookmarks and forgot favorites since I am using bookmarks all the time. It should be changed very easily to make this work. I 'll check it.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: aimfiend
Date: September 18, 2005 11:07AM

why not mozilla 1.9a1 , is there any problem with 1.9?

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: aimfiend
Date: September 18, 2005 12:15PM

when there is only one tab , i move my moust over that tab, give a middle click , then the kmeleon would quit , dunno why, maybe it is a bug?

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: CaptnBlack
Date: September 18, 2005 01:19PM

First I'd like to congratulate all the contributors to this project on the excellent work they've done.
I would also like to thank you all for your efforts.

I have noticed a few issues with some features.

1. As aimfiend said when closing the last tab, it closes the whole browser.
The default behavior in the official 0.9 was to make the last tab blank when the last tab is closed.

2. Sometimes when opening a new tab, focus is fixed in the URL bar.
I have to double click in the page to be able to scroll with the mouse wheel.

3. Not a big deal but, is there anyway to adjust the height of the tab bar ?

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 18, 2005 04:21PM

i just had a small problem... a bug that i can't seem to produce again. i opened up k-meleon using the loader by clicking the icon in the system tray. it came up... it looked fine... it opened up my google personalized homepage and then i clicked on link to a slashdot article and i noticed that the text in the URL bar didn't change. instead of changing to "", it stayed ""; and it's not because the google homepage uses frames.. because it doesn't. umm... also, when i hovered over a link, it wouldn't show the link's location in the status bar at the bottom. but, like i said, i haven't been able to reproduce the bug.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: CaptnBlack
Date: September 18, 2005 05:11PM

Just to let all interested know, I solved No.2 on my list above.

"2. Sometimes when opening a new tab, focus is fixed in the URL bar.
I have to double click in the page to be able to scroll with the mouse wheel."

I was looking through the prefs.js and found this:
"user_pref("kmeleon.display.NewWindowHasUrlFocus", true);"
I changed it to false, now I don't have the problem of the unfocused page, but it doesn't auto-focus to the URL now, which is less of a problem for me.

Also this pref can't be changed in "about:config", you can only change it by opening "prefs.js" in an editor.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 18, 2005 06:52PM

Continuation on my last post:

^^ the screenshot has most of the information. by the way, this only happens when i have ONE tab open. If I open up another tab, the problem is fixed and everything works again.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: aimfiend
Date: September 19, 2005 08:16AM

it looks that's the prob of Dorian's new EXE n DLL, I replace the current kmeleon.exe with the 10.13 release, it works fine

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: aimfiend
Date: September 19, 2005 08:18AM

sorry , i mean 9.13 , i forgot it's still

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Sob
Date: September 19, 2005 04:54PM

I have a small question about tabs. I thought "tabs" are supposed to look different than buttons of layers plugin. But in K-Meleon SMa5 I don't see a difference between layers and tabs (except "tabs" have bigger border under the buttons and support favicons). My OS is Windows 2000 SP4.

Image is better than words:

In fact, I don't really mind how it looks, as long as it shows favicons. I'm just curious if my understanding of what "tabs" mean is wrong or if I'm supposed to see something different than I actually see.

Btw, I have one suggestion for tabs. While page is loading, it shows the "Loading" text. It's good, but if some special "loading" icon was shown instead of favicon, it would be even better. Wanting it to be animated like in Firefox would be to hard to implement, but a static image (like in Opera) should be (very) easy.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 19, 2005 08:01PM

The layers plugin isn't a very good substitute for tabs. I mean... it appears to have the same functionality, but the menus are different and one HUGE difference is that with the layers plugin, everytime you open or close a layer, the K-Meleon entry in the taskbar always goes to the end. That's not very fun... having to chase after it everytime. Also, the layers plugin does this quick flash thing when you close a window... because of the way it works. I personally love the advantages that tabs have over that layers plugin. I understand that this pretty much has nothing, but I just thought i'd try to give my take on the advantages of tabs over layers.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 19, 2005 09:56PM

i think i might've possibly come up with something of a workaround for that problem i'm having... other than replacing the exe. umm, i can just keep one empty tab open while i'm browsing with just one tab. hopefully, i will only have to do this til alpha three (or beta one)


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 19, 2005 10:24PM

i find that the browser often crashes upon closing the 2nd tab while "always show tab bar" is selected and it often crashes upon closing the 3rd tab while "don't show tab bar while only one tab open" is selected. i almost always able to reproduce it, particularly when i load it from the loader, it opens up my homepage, then i open up a few more tabs... when i get to the 2nd or 3rd (depending on what you have selected), it will crash.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Simple Inventor
Date: September 20, 2005 12:44AM

Great build. I've got a couple of bugs/questions. First, when I double-click on a tab, it creates a new tab instead of closing an old one. The knoia(large) skin has messed up icons (privacy bar, the bookmark chevron, layer/window button, go). The new sidebar disappeared. Lastly, this build takes twice as long to load then 0,03 beta tabs (I have both saved to test and compare.) Thanks for all your hard work!

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Carson
Date: September 20, 2005 01:09AM

I agree with Simple Inventor regarding speed. Something is slowing down recent Hao and Fred versions.

I have a separate thread called "Toys and Speed" at

I am "sure" there is a speed lag, and yet I have no technical proof. I just feel it.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Dorian
Date: September 20, 2005 09:34AM


Favorites never had that functionnality to open in new tab ( at least when I look at the source code). I would add it but I have trouble to compile it in release mode.

As for your crashs, the "Focus previous selected tab" on close option is buggy. Don't use it.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: rstlne
Date: September 20, 2005 08:42PM

Is there a way to prevent the browser from terminating when the last tab is closed?

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: rstlne
Date: September 20, 2005 08:47PM

Another little problem I noticed:

There doesn't seem to be a check mark showing which of the
Bookmark Options is in effect. In Tools/Options/Bookmark Options,
I don't see a check mark in front of Open In Current, Open In New
Tab, or Open In Background Tab. However, even without the
indicator, the options seem to work fine.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 20, 2005 08:54PM

thanks, Dorian... will do.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Eyes-Only
Date: September 20, 2005 10:21PM

Ni Hao, Hao! winking smiley

Well there! This is the first time that I've download one of your builds, ever. Not that I'm looking for a medal---just a chest to pin it on. hehe. winking smiley

It isn't that I was fearful of downloading one Hao, it's just that since the 0.9, my own builds, and Wechselbalg days, and Firefox reaching 1.0, I've taken myself out of the bug/beta testing field because I've reached that stage in my life where I wouldn't recognise a bug if it came up and bit me on the tuckas.

I must say though Hao that this 0.04a2 is a beautiful and elegant build (especially with the Silverbird theme!) and so far to date has performed flawlessly for me on my 98se/Aston overlay box. Myself, I haven't been able to find any bugs in it with the ordinary browsing that I do, nor have I been able to replicate those above (not that I have a lot of time to sit and keep repeating until I can).

Two things of note here however: Like Carson has stated, it does take a longer period of time for start up from pressing the "go" button. I don't know what actually causes this but it's a few seconds longer than 0.9. That is an almost instantaneous start up. This one takes perhaps 4 seconds to start. Obviously not a long time when compared with IE, Firefox, or Mozilla for sure! But longer when compared to the progenitor, 0.9.

Secondly: There is quite a bit of RAM usage with this build. Frequently with 0.9 I'll start out with 140megs of RAM emptied. By the time I'm finished surfing my forums, making replies, and then reading and viewing photos at for 2 or 3 hours, I'll end up with 100megs still empty. With 0.04a2, starting with 140megs, doing the same things, I'll end up with around 50 to 60megs RAM empty. Closing the browser in 0.9 returns the RAM to 139megs. In 0.04a2 it returns it to around 128megs---still quite a bit left from my original starting point.

I have the version with the 1.8b4 engine btw, same as the SeaMonkey 1.0a that's out. I've noticed a slightly similar effect with SM as well so I suspect it's the GRE that's leaving clutter behind, however, SM is leaving less clutter than 0.04a2 is, which I find curious. -scratches chin-

I hope some of this helps?

Sorry for taking up so much space folks. Thanks for your time.



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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 21, 2005 03:34AM

I don't know very much about memory management or any of that, but is it possible that there could be a memory leak somewhere? I hope not. I'd be glad if it was just the clutter being left behind, because that sounds like it could be fixed pretty easily. Maybe the memory cache isn't being cleared after the program closes? Like I said, I don't know much about caching or memory management or any of that, but it sure does sound like either there's a small problem with the memory cache or there's a memory leak.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Dorian
Date: September 21, 2005 12:06PM

I made a patch to solve the problems mentionned by Brian.
There is still some focus problem that make "Open in background window" not working correctly in some cases.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Fred
Date: September 21, 2005 02:09PM

Thank you Dorian. You have also patched the little bug I mentioned,
concerning the empty address bar and status bar in the first layer or
first new window. Excellent.


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: rstlne
Date: September 21, 2005 10:55PM

Another problem that I'm seeing with some websites:

If the Browsing Options is set to "Tabs Only", Javascript on the
web page that calls window.close() will close the whole browser.
I think it would be better if it could be made to close only the
current tab.

The workaround for this is to set the Browsing Options to "Tabs
and Windows", although I don't like that mode as much.

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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 21, 2005 11:34PM

Thanks for the patch, Dorian! It's working wonderfully!


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Re: K-MeleonCCF 0.04 Alpha2
Posted by: Brian
Date: September 22, 2005 12:09AM

I forgot to mention one other thing. The URL bar option to open in a new tab isn't working either. Also... with the favorites options on whether to open it in a new tab, current tab, or background tab, it doesn't have the check next to the one i've selected. If I select the option, the option works the way it should, but there's no check next to it. I think it's probably something that could easily be fixed with in the macros.


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