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"complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 05, 2005 10:28AM

In addition to Brian Bruns' "minimal" update, I have made a "complete" update i.e. it contains all files of the GRE that have been updated since the release of K-Meleon 0.9. This is to ensure, that all improvements regarding security and web page rendering, find their way into K-Meleon. Required chrome updates are included.

Have a look at

I also offer an update with german chrome there.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: Victor
Date: August 05, 2005 12:20PM

Have only used updates by Brian. Am a relative KM newcomer so please
help. Do I need all 5 of your downloads and sent to the same directory?
Then I assume extract them to the KM directory of course. But those
of Brian needed removal of dll's and other modifications. Is there anything
to do with yours other than unzip into K-Meleon and go? You point out
this may not work on other 0.9's. Are there ways to make it do so? The
1.7.10 by Brian always worked great on the KM release version. However
for many of us it never worked on any others even after removing
suggested components.
Thank you very, very much for as much detailed help as you have time
to give.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 05, 2005 01:19PM

As I intended to say on my website: Yes, you have to download ALL zip files. Put them ALL into the same directory. Open the last one of these archives i.e. the one with the highest suffix number and extract it to the KM directory. Delete the files mentioned in my installation instructions (the text file on the page is in the archive, too). That's all! If you want to update an "inofficial" version of KM (like Hao's builds or guenter's Wald Wolf), I can not tell you if this would work (propably not). Just try it out...

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 05, 2005 02:57PM

do not worry - it will work - just unzip all in new directory - have a look which file is newer (in this case newer is better) - overwrite the older file in k-m folder.
(do not forget to make backup in case anything goes wrong).

some updates use linked big xpt (for more speed)- remove them
- if kko uses differnt system.
(in that later case You have delete the compreg.dat and xpti.dat in components folder - after exchanges in chrome You need to delete overlayino folder and chrome.rdf for changes to take effect //overlayinfo is an rdf file instead of folder in some cases)

1.7.11 is AFAIK a fix for mail - if You have savely landed at 1.7.10 You do not need it.

kko thx for making update available - have You already found fix in 1.7.11 for the
problem with cookies.dll (with the 1.7.10 update of this cookies.dll must be from early 1.7.10 or late 1.7.9 e.g. 06.07.2005 to work properly with k-m on some webpages).
I hove to have time to makes and test changes in ww this WE -

greetings to all.

p. s. we all came new to k-m once ; -)

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: Mitchell
Date: August 05, 2005 08:45PM

KKO and Guenter
I hope you don't mind explaining the instructions again for a slow person like
myself. That's because I seem to have messed up from the beginning. I
downloaded all 4 zip files. Then placed all 4 together in a previously empty
folder. Next I attempted to extract # 4 zip file first. When trying to extract
this to K-Meleon the win zip says nothing about this #4. However it does
state that it is unable to open numbers 3, 2, and 1.
Any help is sincerely appreciated. I will try any and all instructions.
Any idea if this might work on Beonex Communicator, Smart Fox, or
Wam Com? I really do miss those old browsers.
P.S. You should include this on the builds list. Would be easier to keep
track of.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 06, 2005 06:20AM

@ Mitchell - just try 2 extract into empty directory - which should always work.
then compare for newer files with k-m directory; replace them if k-m files are older.
// some are identical in spite of differnt date. You still overwrite all with newer files except coookies unless kko has found something differnet for his update files.-
plus posts before You are finished - (You can always redo cookies.dll latter ; - )

hope this is the info You wanted - else ask again
- i am a dumb German speaker ; -)

reason why extract into new empty ? safety reason...

some extractors hasitate when they find already existing files - that protects people that have made a mistake - and is to prevent mistakes.

i would like You to extract into empty folder - i generally prefer "seeing" updates = a thinking human must look and nothing outomatic happens.

After a couple of "seeing" updates that human will know procedure
and will have examples of file lists -
this enables that human personally to select files for updates.
This is the deeper reason - why i did not like Brians efficiant automatic updates ; -)

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: sam
Date: August 06, 2005 06:37AM

I can't open the 4th zip archive. It says password needed.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: jmillar
Date: August 06, 2005 11:34AM

A full zip or rar package would be hugely appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and efforts. I find myself hugely enjoying delving into the machinery.

Those multi volume zips are proving troublesome! For starters free commandline unzip warns it doesn't fully understand volumes, and subsequently barfs out.
Winrar 3.4.2 errors out, misunderstanding the volume names...
And after desperately downloading WinZip, which I loathe intensely, I found it couldn't deal with them either! Very frustrating for a computer guy who started out with CP-M and Xenix!

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 06, 2005 01:23PM

I'm really sorry that so much of you encounter problems with these multi-volume zip archives. I have generated them with PowerArchiver. I guess I have to find a different solution (it's due to a file size limitation on my free webspace).

@guenter: It's not really necessary to extract my update into a new directory to see what's new. If you are able to open my archive, you see what's in. I have only included modified files. There shouldn't be any redundancies.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 06, 2005 01:28PM

A word on GRE versions:

As I've experienced, cookie.dll version 1.7.10 is buggy. It causes problems not only in K-M, but also in Mozilla itself. You have to use cookie.dll version 1.7.9 with GRE 1.7.10 to make it work. This problem has been solved in GRE 1.7.11. So, in my update, all files are of version 1.7.11, including cookie.dll.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 06, 2005 01:41PM

Any idea if this might work on Beonex Communicator, Smart Fox, or
Wam Com?

What shall I say? I have made an update for K-Meleon, not for any other browser! The general principle of making such an update would be the same, I guess. I will consider to make a documentation some time.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 06, 2005 01:48PM

kko - thx for info on cookies.dll - i will update to 1.7.11

p. s. ich habe sowieso eine ganze Mozilla suite wegen der 2 mail fehler gezogen.
- den gelben werbe-start bildschirm mit nem resource editor beseitigt
(dann started er schneller) - zur abwechslung also nicht nur wegen der updates.

ich bin mit dem letzten T-bird nicht so gut zurecht gekommen. mfG

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 06, 2005 05:57PM

@guenter: Den Splash-Screen kannst du auch mit der Kommandozeilenoption -quiet unterdrücken (mache ich immer in meinen Verknüpfungen). Thunderbird hat mich auch nicht überzeugt. Schönes Wochenende!

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 06, 2005 06:16PM

@kko, danke für tip - kannte ich nicht - probiere ich.
(gehackt hat die exe ca. 10 kb weniger und braucht keine bat)

Eyes-Only hat gefunden, dass Mozilla schneller hochfährt,
wenn er die Profiles im eigenen Verzeichnis hat (wie k-m!);
ich habe die portablen Mozilla anwendungen (die das auch haben)
auch als schnell-startend empfunden.

Die xpt der suite kann man nach bedarf linken,
zusammen geht das dann gut ab.
Dir auch schönes WE

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: Terry
Date: August 06, 2005 08:49PM

@kko Good find on the cookies.dll. Downloaded the Mozilla 1.7.11 and updated the cookies.dll . I was using an earlier version from 1.7.9 since guenter had discovered the anomaly first and the work around. Again thanks.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: jmillar
Date: August 06, 2005 10:01PM

@kko: Thank you so much! Powerarchiver (command line version) did the trick nicely!

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: sam
Date: August 06, 2005 10:24PM

You think this K-Meleon website should be hosting the new updates to K-Meleon 0.9? I think it's a good idea instead of going to into forums and finding what's new.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 07, 2005 11:44AM

@sam - i agree - might be nice if the official dev team decided to post a .0.91 that
has a new GRE at the official downloads section. (and whatever they want to include).

On the other hand - and it is not the k-m part that has holes. And the exploits to Mozilla GRE that are known are still only demos and not in the wild ( i understood the posts on Secunia that way, correct me if i am wrong ).

If this is true, then the GRE updates that we are doing are largely pre-emtive and why waste of official devs time? regards

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: zeno
Date: August 07, 2005 01:54PM

Guenter and kko,
Let me see if I'm current with the instructions.
#1 Download all files.
#2 Place them together in a new folder.
#3 Extract only number 4 download and send to another new folder. This can
only be done with Powerarchiver?
#4 With everything in this second new folder start sending to KM. Is it okay
to replace everthing even if they're not older?
#5 Are there any additional steps for modifying the original KM or any other
0.9's? Will it work on the others?

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 07, 2005 02:25PM

@zeno: #1 and #2 correct. #3: open number 4 download. You will find a readme.txt in it with further instruction and another zip archive. Extract this archive to the k-m folder overwriting existing files. Thats all!

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: Eyes-Only
Date: August 07, 2005 08:51PM

Hi Guenter!

That's right, "Eyes-Only installed his Mozilla Suite Profile to his Mozilla directory like KM's and found that it started faster..." or something close to that. winking smiley hehe!

And I also owe you a letter. I shall try to write as soon as possible, okie? I also don't make it to the forum as much as I would like to. And you know very well why mein Alter. -sigh-

To support later on what Guenter has said: These "security leaks in Gecko" which have been discovered by Secunia, while they are valid and real leaks, are just that right now---"theoretical leaks". No one has bothered to take advantage of them.

Why? Because #1: They are very difficult, for the most part, to encode into a webpage. #2: Why bother taking the time and effort encoding them when is going to publish a patch for it in just a few days? #3: The users of Gecko browsers---on a generously high estimate, is still only 20 to 22% of the browsing public. So basically, why bother? And it is precisely that attitude which saves the few thousands of us who may still use an non-upgraded KM 0.9 (I don't, I use one of Guenter's GRE's upgrades---thanks Guenter!).

But likewise, as Guenter and I have often said: If you browse wisely then you need never to worry in the first place about any browser hack taking place. The only bill I pay online is my t2 line with my portal company. They use an https site. You have to have special credentials to get an https address, not everyone can get that. When I go, I have no other layers/tabs opened. I save NO form info which I've entered. I delete my cookies and cache/history immediately after going. See? Browse wisely. That is one example.

But if you are security conscious? Please do these upgrades! And I encourage you to STILL browse wisely. The flaws are corrected, but what hidden flaws remain which Secunia shall find? Only they know. winking smiley

Well, my 2½€ anyway. hehe.

Amicalement mes amis!

"L'Peau-Rouge d'Acadie"

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: sam
Date: August 08, 2005 04:34AM

How do I know if I updated K-Meleon successfully? I go to About K-meleon and it says Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041220 K-Meleon/0.9.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 08, 2005 05:58AM

You can be sure when the files that You have over written
bear the new time stamp - and are from the update.

should be Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.7.11) Gecko/20050728 K-Meleon/0.9 or something like that. so You are right - the java script in Your k-m still gives the old data - with a complete update that normally looks/reads different// like the browser i am testing at the moment // hm are You running the loader? else try to delete compreg.dat and xpti.dat in components folder and overlayinfo and chrome.rdf in chrome folder, then restart browser (make suer to shutdown loader - if You use it) and look again.

i heard about such odd things with Brians update - they can simply happen - well: as said before: when old files are over written with files from update that is the best indicator - do not worry.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 08, 2005 08:48AM

My download archives are now hosted at RapidShare as a single file to avoid the problems with multi-volume zip-archives...

@sam: If all went correct (and you have followed my instructions in the text file), k-m's user agent string will represent the update (show a new revision and Gecko date).

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: August 10, 2005 07:03PM

A cosmetic correction of my update is available. It will make K-Meleon display the correct about:credits page again (namely its own). K-Meleon's developers shall have their proper place!

This update to the update is incremental and totally optional. It is not required in any way. See the contained readme file for details.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: Just Curious
Date: September 16, 2005 02:23PM

There are lots of K-Meleon users where I live who wanted to know if you plan
another update soon like Brian's. And you have mentioned that an update
for older browsers such as Beonex or SmartFox might also be possible.
Is this still a possibility? Given the possibilities of SmartFox mentioned on the
following thread : Request: a certain k-meleon 0.9 GRE update
it could be very useful.

Always many thanks

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: September 16, 2005 02:59PM

@Just Curious (
U can scavange Fred´s update for new GRE.

I will update my theme as soon as official 1.7.12 is out and i have time;
mine is almost a standart 0.9 with other skin & some extras also in French km

You can also update kko ´s package with mozilla files,
so i do not get (understand) what the problem is?


beonex is based on older GRE - it can not be updated with with 1.7.x which is the oldest GRE that has/gets security fixes by (we tried/tested it)

Smart FOX is AFAIK a static build based on Gecko rv. 1.6;
(= a rebranded FF 0.8 as points out).

static builds can not be updated with the simple way we use
SMART FOX must be recompiled with new sources.

p. s. static complilation saves about 20 kb per dll linked into exe
-results in less overhead a little more speed.

our dynamic k-m seems more user friendly to update & not much slower.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: kko
Date: September 16, 2005 03:59PM

My next update will be based on the next stable Mozilla release. Therefore, I don't know how soon this will be.

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: guenter
Date: September 16, 2005 04:33PM

I will also wait untill 1.7.12 is the official Mozilla issue (1.7.11 is very good anyway).

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Re: "complete" 1.7.11 update
Posted by: Carson
Date: September 16, 2005 04:52PM

I wuz looking at some of the posts here when it dawned on me that one way to check duplicate files is through DoubleKiller, or an equivalent program. I'm not sure, becuz some of the folk having trouble might not be very experienced, and I have mixed feelings recommending a "dangerous" program to newcomers.

What the heck: I wuz new when I first used DoubleKiller! Okay, so it's in its own thread. Just might be handy to have around. I like it.

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